
Dear Families,Wow another busy Term has flown right by and now we are well and truly into Term 4! While the impact of COVID19 has been felt by everyone it has been amazing to see the resilience our children have demonstrated during what has been...

Dear Families and Caregivers,On Monday 19th October – Friday 23rd Lockleys celebrated Book Week – what a wonderful week we had acknowledging and having fun with early literacy.  On Thursday 22nd the center has a special visit from the “Amazing Drumming Monkeys” who performed for...

From the Director.We would like to say a warm welcome to all our new families that have joined our Precious Cargo Community since the last newsletter. Our dedicated team are focused on ensuring we provide a safe environment with stimulating and positive experiences that fosters...

Director NewsHello FamiliesWelcome back to many of our families who have returned after a long COVID break. Thankyou for keeping in touch via our Zoom catch ups and sending in amazing emails filled with the great things you and your children were doing over their...

Director News,Welcome to term 4, can you believe that the end of the year is almost upon us? What a crazy ride we have all endured this year, thank you for continued support.Staffing- This past term we have welcomed some new staff, Joey has joined...

Message to ParentsSpring has SprungSpring is here and with the warmer weather, comes higher UV ratings, and the need for more vigilant sun protection measures. Precious Cargo uses the following sun protection strategies:- Shade – Our centre’s outdoor environment has ample shade options; play activities...

DirectorHello Collinswood Families and welcome to the spring edition of our Centre Newsletter. The sunshine certainly has put a bounce in everyone’s step and has given us all that little boost of energy needed to get us through till Christmas. It has been a whirlwind...